
Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. She writes a regular blog about all aspects of business and via social media discusses her latest top tips.

Here are her latest blogs.

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

You may dream of what your business could be like, but have you taken any steps towards that dream?

Network Your Business To Success

Network Your Business To Success

Networking is simply about connecting with people, yet walking into a room where you don't know anyone can rank up there with the other great fears such as public speaking when it comes to 'out of the comfort zone' experiences ...

The Art Of Proper Positioning

The Art Of Proper Positioning

Positioning is one of the most powerful marketing concepts. Primarily, it is about the place your brand occupies in the mind of your target audience and has become a regular marketing activity and strategy ...

Top 6 Ways To Delegate More Effectively

Top 6 Ways To Delegate More Effectively

It's a proven fact that when you try to do everything at once in your business, nothing gets done. Unless you delegate, you'll find yourself overwhelmed with trivial or non-urgent tasks ...

 Introductions, Referrals and Recommendations

Introductions, Referrals and Recommendations

What is the most successful way to find a new client? Over the years, I have tried every route known to man. Some are ok, some are a complete failure, some are amazing ...

 Trusted Partners: Mary Thomas, Concise Training

Trusted Partners: Mary Thomas, Concise Training

Positioning is our 'P' for all things marketing, whether that's PR, social media, advertising, blog writing, websites, literature or any other media channel and/or printed matter to get your products and services to market ...

Trusted Partners: Helen Beaumont, Essendon Tax

Trusted Partners: Helen Beaumont, Essendon Tax

Working with business owners as a business coach means that I get involved in all aspects of the business, albeit that the core areas that I approach are planning, people, processes and positioning ...

Trusted Partners: Steffi Lewis

Trusted Partners: Steffi Lewis

Online marketing is not an area I'm overly familiar with. Yes, I use Facebook and can share stuff and comment, but when it comes to getting my brand out there, I'd rather delegate it to a trusted partner ...

Trusted Partners: Roger Eddowes, Essendon Accounts

Trusted Partners: Roger Eddowes, Essendon Accounts

Working with my clients, I'm frequently asked to assist with some aspect of finances ranging from assisting them in understanding the basics of business finance to actually attending their meetings with their accountant ...

 The Performance Appraisal

The Performance Appraisal

The performance appraisal is your chance to find out the different causes of worker inefficiency and, at the same time, reward those employees who perform as expected ...

 Trusted Partners: Ellen Willoughby, All About Quality

Trusted Partners: Ellen Willoughby, All About Quality

It is important to understand that when you delegate something to your team that you keep hold of some of the responsibility such as the support mechanisms. However, it is far more important that the team have the correct skills and competencies ...

The 10 Commandments Of Effective Leadership

The 10 Commandments Of Effective Leadership

Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right. So what are the characteristics of a good leader, what traits make a person a leader and not just another manager?

Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

The authority, responsibility and accountability for the task changes hands when a manager, or superior employee, delegates a task down the hierarchy ...

Top 10 Steps For Successful Delegation

Top 10 Steps For Successful Delegation

Have you ever asked yourself the question: why do so many business owners and managers fail at successful delegation? Have you fallen into that trap yourself?

Top 7 Reasons Your Marketing Strategy Will Fail

Top 7 Reasons Your Marketing Strategy Will Fail

It's quite common for people to confuse the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. All too often, businesses begin marketing without any clear strategy. Then they wonder why they are not achieving the results they expect ...

Do Your Clients Perceive You As Professional?

Do Your Clients Perceive You As Professional?

Are you using one of the numerous personal or free email addresses rather than getting yourself a branded company domain for your website and emails?

 10 Top Tips For Taking Time Out From Your Business

10 Top Tips For Taking Time Out From Your Business

I frequently find that business owners, while they started the business because of their core skills and passion, discover they end up working longer hours than ever before and often for less financial reward ...

Married To Your Work Partner

Married To Your Work Partner

About half of all new businesses survive five years or more and about one-third survive 10 years or more. If you're married to your work partner, then there's a good chance that you can succeed ...

GDPR: Will You Be Caught Out By The New Laws?

GDPR: Will You Be Caught Out By The New Laws?

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force in May this year. If you hold data on EU individuals then you have to get their consent to continue to receive your communications ...

How You Can Communicate More Effectively

How You Can Communicate More Effectively

I notice many different styles of communication when working with clients and today explain some of those styles and how you can communicate more effectively by adapting your style to becoming more assertive ...

What Is Your Level Of Strategic Intent?

What Is Your Level Of Strategic Intent?

Business owners will spend hours telling me that they have a plan, they have goals and that they are all set for a good year ahead. However, when I start questioning them, asking those BDQ's I am well known for, I find that there is little or a total lack of strategic intent ...

Do You Have A Robust Marketing Strategy?

Do You Have A Robust Marketing Strategy?

No plans in place? No end goals? Lack of SMART marketing objectives? I have lost count how many times I have asked my clients about their marketing strategy only to find that they've never had one ...

Making Time For Self Reflection

Making Time For Self Reflection

As a business owner and leader, one of the most important skills you need is that of reflection. Not only self-reflection, but reflection on what's happening within your organisation and how you could do things differently ...

 An Introduction To Intellectual Property

An Introduction To Intellectual Property

I work with clients across many varied business sectors, and often uncover issues, and perhaps more importantly, opportunities. So what sort of people do you need to do the same?

4 Steps For A Successful And Profitable 2018

4 Steps For A Successful And Profitable 2018

How often have you began a New Year with all the right intentions only to find that you are doing the exact same things that you have always done, making the same errors and at best standing still ...

The Psychology Of Workplace Collaboration

The Psychology Of Workplace Collaboration

For most of us, workplace collaboration is an integral part of our day. We get into the office and within minutes people are asking for help and advice face-to-face, over the phone and by email ...

The Peter Principle And The Promotion To Management

The Peter Principle And The Promotion To Management

Have you chosen the right person to promote into management in your business? Research reveals that companies consistently choose the wrong people for management roles ...

Is Your Customer Base Growing But Your Profits Shrinking?

Is Your Customer Base Growing But Your Profits Shrinking?

Listening to the news this past week, more and more businesses, small and large, are in trouble financially. It appears that they have all made one grave error ...

Core Team Values To Create Business Excellence

Core Team Values To Create Business Excellence

For your business to be successful you need to create proactive teams, clarify performance expectations, define values in behavioural terms and hold leaders and staff accountable. These must become core team values ...

Merry Christmas From 4P Business Development

Merry Christmas From 4P Business Development

I and my associates at 4P Business Development would like to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas. In order that we are able to spend time with our families and recharge our batteries, the office will be closing ...

People Management And Empowerment

People Management And Empowerment

I believe that it should be a priority to learn to create and manage your organisation's culture, and the people in it, as consciously and rigorously as you manage any other aspect of your business ...

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

Have you ever considered that it could be your core beliefs around your competence, worth, safety and primacy that are preventing you from achieving your goals, holding you back, and creating problems for you in your business ...

 The Right Processes And Systems Create Profitability

The Right Processes And Systems Create Profitability

How efficient is your business? How many tasks could be streamlined or carried out in a more efficient manner? You'll be surprised at what I discover with my approach to your process improvement ...

The Fine Art Of Business Coaching And Mentoring

The Fine Art Of Business Coaching And Mentoring

I'm Kath Bonner-Dunham and for 40 years I've specialised in sales and marketing, operations and management. It seemed like a no-brainer to offer that experience to other passionate business owners ...

Customer Delight For A Competitive Advantage

Customer Delight For A Competitive Advantage

Do you really know just how happy your clients are? Do you deliver what you promise in a timely manner? Or do your clients perceive that you really do not care?

 Growth Through Employee Engagement

Growth Through Employee Engagement

One of the main reasons people give for leaving organisations is that they have stopped growing. Growth brings energy, vitality, life and challenge so without growth, you're just going through the motions ...

Are You Losing Money Because Your Price Isn't Right?

Are You Losing Money Because Your Price Isn’t Right?

One of the secrets to business success is the right pricing. Price your products for your target market and that can enhance how much you sell, creating solid growth ...

 Are You An Expert In Your Field?

Are You An Expert In Your Field?

It's time for me to stick my neck out a tad here and say that in the field of Business Coaching and Mentoring I consider myself to be an expert. So what makes me an expert you may ask?

 Top Reasons To Hire A Business Coach

Top Reasons To Hire A Business Coach

There are all types of coaches: a tennis coach, golf coach, swim coach, music coach, executive coach, and, of course my personal favourite, a business coach ...

Brand Me: The Launch Of My New Brand

Brand Me: The Launch Of My New Brand

Wow! I have a new brand and a new website to go with it. It's the same company name and I'm still using a red/grey/black colour palette, so it's still 'brand me'. How exciting ...

The Importance Of Teams

The Importance Of Teams

Wherever you look, the importance of teams is obvious. From sport to medical to business, motivated people who work together well is all important. But remember, the best teams aren't simply there for the money ...

Emotional Intelligence In A Business Environment

Emotional Intelligence In A Business Environment

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Programme educates you on how your team understands and manages their emotions, how well they interpret the emotions of others, and how to best manage relationships ...

The Importance Of Personal Profile Analysis

The Importance Of Personal Profile Analysis

Recruiting the right people is all important if you want to build a successful business. We use Personal Profile Analysis to identify the right roles for each individual and recommend ways to retain, motivate and develop them ...

TOWS: Beyond The SWOT Matrix

TOWS: Beyond The SWOT Matrix

When I discuss business models with my clients, they all look at me with a blank face. Why on Earth would they want to do that, what use is it to their business? They've got far better things to do with their time ...

How To Apply PESTLE Analysis To Your Strategic Planning

How To Apply PESTLE Analysis To Your Strategic Planning

Today we are going to look at PESTLE Analysis to understand how you can minimise the risks your business faces, eliminate threats and maximise opportunities ...

How To Be Far More Productive

How To Be Far More Productive

If you're finding you're swamped in your business, you can regain control of your valuable time by eliminating the things that get in the way of your productivity and profitability ...

 Profitability: How Profitable Is Your Business?

Profitability: How Profitable Is Your Business?

It's a question every business owner must ask themselves regularly: how profitable is my business? Do you even know how much profit you created this month?

Goals And Objectives: Planning For Continued Success

Goals And Objectives: Planning For Continued Success

Have you ever written down and communicated your goals? When you have written goals and objectives in place, you will find that you are able to spend time managing your business ...

Do You Know What The 4P's Of Business Are?

Do You Know What The 4P’s Of Business Are?

One of the first things I teach people who work with me is that comprehensive business goals and objectives are key to the success of any business ...

What our clients say

“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”

Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors


Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors

“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”
“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”

Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes


Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes

“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”
“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”

Sue Priest


Sue Priest

“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”
“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”

Bryony Brice
Betty Brice


Bryony Brice
Betty Brice

“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”
“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”

Bernard Goodchild


Bernard Goodchild

“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”
“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”

Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd


Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd

“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”
"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."

Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones


Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones

"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."
“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”

Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters


Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”
“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”

Sali Brown
Chelton Brown


Sali Brown
Chelton Brown

“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”
“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”

Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd


Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd

“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”
“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”

Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being


Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being

“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”
"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."

Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach


Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach

"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."
“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”

Sophie Breslin


Sophie Breslin

“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”
“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”

Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker


Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker

“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”
“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”

Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters


Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”
“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”

Raine Hilson


Raine Hilson

“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”
“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”

Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting


Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting

“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”
“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”

Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership


Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership

“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”
“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”

Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering


Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering

“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”
4P Business Development Ltd Poem
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd
4P Business Development Ltd


Working on the Planning, People, Processes and Positioning Creates Profitability