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Working on the Planning, People, Processes and Positioning Creates Profitability

Do you set SMART goals?

You may dream of what your business could be like, but have you taken any steps towards that dream? Set SMART goals, break it down and put your plan into action …

Stephen R Covey wrote about the 7 Habits of highly effective people, which, I believe, is well worth a read for any business owner. Perhaps the most important aspects are the first three he focuses on:

  1. Habit 1 – be proactive
    This is the ability to control one’s environment, rather than have it control you, as is so often the case. Self-determination, choice, and the power to decide your response to particular stimulus, conditions and circumstances.
  2. Habit 2 – begin with the end in mind
    Covey calls this ‘the habit of personal leadership’ as in leading oneself towards what you consider to be your aims. By developing the habit of concentrating on relevant activities, you will build a platform to avoid distractions and become more productive and successful.
  3. Habit 3 – put first things first
    This is called ‘the habit of personal management’. It’s about organising and implementing activities in line with the aims you established in habit 2. (See the section on time management.)

When I first meet with a new client, one of the first things I ask is, “do you have a business plan?” I can honestly say that in the many years I have spent coaching business owners, very rarely is the answer yes.

If they do have a plan, what does it look like and does it directly relate to your personal and business goals? This invariably gets another negative response!


So why is it that so many people who run their own business do not set goals and then have a plan to work towards achieving those goals?

  • Lack of goal setting
  • Lack of a SMART plan
  • Poor time management
  • Poor delegation skills
  • Distractions

A goal setting plan creates a bridge between today’s dream and tomorrow’s reality.


Without a plan of the what, when, why, how and who, goals alone will not get you to your destination. Once you have your goals start your plan today!

Another reason that some business owners fail to work towards their goals is the confusion over time management. Identifying what are the next steps and in what order to complete tasks.

What tasks you should complete personally and what tasks should you avoid and/or delegate. The two main criteria on which you should evaluate tasks are importance and urgency.


  • Quadrant 1: High Importance – High Urgency
    These are the most pressing tasks you should focus on immediately. These are the crises that will erupt if you don’t. The most urgent meetings or deadlines fall into this category. When we do fire-fighting, it’s all relating to stuff in this quadrant.
  • Quadrant 2: High Importance – Low Urgency
    These are the things that matter in the long-term but will yield no tangible benefits immediately. They are things we know we need to get done and will have an impact on the business if they aren’t completed. It’s having a lunch with a significant contact or client, relationship-building and long-term planning.
  • Quadrant 3: Low Importance – High Urgency
    These tasks are the biggest reason you are not more successful in the long-term! They clog up your time today, but when you look back at these things, you will have to admit they were a waste of time. These are interruptions that happen, such as unnecessary phone calls, poorly thought-out meetings that soak up hours of your time, activities which you believe in the moment that you must do, but if you stopped to really think about these tasks, you would realise they aren’t that important.
  • Quadrant 4: Low Importantance – Low Urgency
    These are the things you do when you’re tired and need a break. It’s checking Facebook and Twitter during the day, because we think we might miss something. It might be mindlessly eating potato chips, even though we’re not hungry. You will be amazed how much time you spend in this quadrant wasting time and avoiding the most important task that will make a difference to your business.

To successfully use this method of planning, you must have a very clear understanding of what is important to you and what both your long-term personal and business goals are.


“Remember that people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan!”


If you’d like some help setting SMART goals and taking the steps you need to move your business toward them, do give me a call on 01280 700405 or click here to ping me an email and let’s see how I can help you.

Until next time …


There is no mystery to it …

Networking is simply about connecting with people, yet walking into a room where you don’t know anyone can rank up there with the other great fears such as public speaking when it comes to ‘out of the comfort zone’ experiences …

Networking is a great way to grow your business, but it can be scary at first!

copyright: 4p business development

A lot of people are afraid of networking groups, but the truth is, we are all natural networkers; we do it every day with our family, friends and colleagues.

As we chat, add value and connect, we hope to uncover opportunities and increase our knowledge of other businesses so we can plug them into other contacts we may have and generate potential sales leads for our own business.

Even in today’s technology driven marketing environment, over 80% of new business is gained through formal or informal networks online and offline through the oldest marketing tool, word of mouth.

So choosing not to include networking as an integral part of your marketing strategy cuts you off from a vital and vibrant source of new business.

Networking is defined as “developing an extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who can interact and remain in contact for mutual assistance or support”. Something to note is that it’s important to develop these contacts well before you need them.


“Think of networking as a long-term proposition!”


It’s about cultivating positive relationships which are built on giving rather than taking. As well as identifying new business opportunities, networking allows you to share ideas, experience and good practice. You can meet inspirational role models, overcome isolation by meeting new people as being in business for yourself can be lonely at times, or maybe find new suppliers as well as developing relationships already started.

It is easy to become isolated and lose touch with what is happening around you, especially in the early days of building a business. For me, the key to successful networking is being ready to serve first, give rather than take, follow up professionally and always be willing to help others by introducing people and initiating relationships.

When it’s such a low cost, high reward activity, it amazes me how many business owners find themselves committing one of the 7 Networking Sins without even realising it.

So what are the 7 Sins of Networking? Let’s explore them more:

  1. Poor preparation and planning

    Failure to set goals and research before the meeting.

  2. Failure to act professionally

    Lack of business cards, or being dressed inappropriately for your brand using poor body language.

  3. Failure to work the room

    Hiding in the shadows, avoiding eye contact and only talking to people you already know.

  4. Poverty mindset

    Failure in seeing the bigger picture, only seeing the people in the room and not understanding that everyone has a wider network behind them and remembering to celebrate the wins of others in the room.

  5. Focused on getting vs giving

    Selling hard without permission, not serving others first.

  6. Unable to deliver a clear message

    Failure in being specific and clear on the pain that you solve for people, forgetting your target market and no offer or call to action.

  7. Lack of follow-up

    Failure to help generate business through referrals for others, lack of ‘permission’ database to stay in touch and no processes for keeping the conversation going.

Relationships matter. Most people have access to at least 250 contacts and your reputation needs to speak for itself. By going into networking with a ‘giving’ mindset, you’re creating an opportunity for people to really get to know you.


“You need to approach every networking situation with a genuine interest in people and a desire to help them!”


That’s how you leave a positive and lasting impression, and that’s why people will want to help you in return. That’s what networking (and life) is all about after all!

Now, don’t get stuck in a networking rut. Keep looking out for new and varied events to go to; clubs, associations, meetings, seminars, conferences, presentations, breakfast briefings, lunches, exhibitions.

Your aim is to increase your visibility, so present yourself as your brand and show people a consistent avatar. What I mean by that is that your online presence (website – Facebook – Twitter page etc) needs to match your offline presence (your business cards and yourself in person).

For example, I use the same photo on my Facebook profile, LinkedIn page and on my business cards, and I regularly get people recognising me who I have never met, but who already feel a connection with me.

So how would you do that? Here are my 5 steps to creating your perfect pitch:

  1. Always be positive – sounds like common sense, but you would be amazed how many people I meet when networking who look like they got dragged there! By having an open ‘can do’ attitude and having the belief in giving and sharing, as well as offering assistance, your reputation will soon grow, and people will be attracted to your energy and personality.

  2. Develop the ability to ‘Schmooze’ – being able to talk to anyone is a valuable skill in its own right and essential in business. Being able to initiate a conversation means you are more likely come into contact with people who may turn out to be valuable connections. Have a few phrases such as, “How did you get started in … ?”, “What do you particularly need to help you succeed?” and, “How would I recognise your ideal customer if I met them?” up your sleeve.

  3. Develop your listening skills – networking is not about selling, it is about listening to the other person, allowing others to open up and talk freely. Take an interest in what’s said and encourage them by using positive body language and subtle mirroring techniques to develop rapport.

  4. Remember your business cards – only 25% of business people have a card that is up to date and gives the receiver precious information about them. Ensure it has all your contact information, including all your social media addresses. Connection is the goal after all. Plus use both sides!

  5. It’s vital to be organised – keep a database of everyone you know and meet, using memory joggers and any mutual contacts for future reference. Invest in your own Contact Relationship Management (CRM) software to make this easier.

At most structured events you will get to present to the room with (up to) a one-minute presentation and you need to make the most of this opportunity.

After all, how often do you get the chance to spotlight your business to a whole room of interested people? It’s a true high-impact marketing strategy, so make sure you include all of the following 7 key stages of your perfect pitch:

  1. Your business name – you would be amazed how many people forget this simple step, speak at a reasonable pace and clearly so everyone can understand

  2. The problems you solve – Talk about the type of problems you solve for your clients, this will resonate much more with the room and enables the member to see those problems in their own businesses

  3. How you can help them – explain a bit more about how you work and tell them about the results you get for clients

  4. What’s unique about you – how your past or perhaps a hobby gives you a unique perspective on what you do, your qualifications etc

  5. What you are looking for – Explain your target market, your ideal client and also talk about collaborators and suppliers you may be seeking to work alongside

  6. Your call to action – what you want your audience to do next, maybe offer a complimentary meeting or schedule a 1:1

  7. Your contact details – repeat your name and the best and easiest way to make contact with you

And finally for today, lets finish by making sure you always set your intentions. You can do this in a number of ways. Set your intention to go Networking right now, put dates in your diary and commit to go.

When you arrive at all those meetings, know your minimum success outcome, what you have to come away with to make that investment of your time worthwhile.


“And remember, the size of your network will determine the value of your networth so happy networking!”


If you’d like to know more about networking or are considering working with a coach to move your business and your life to the next level then call me on

01280 700405 or click here to send me an email enquiry and let’s talk.

Until next time …




If you’re looking for a partner to help grow your business, visit to discover how 4P Business Development can help you!

Do you know your niche?

Positioning is one of the most powerful marketing concepts. Primarily, it is about the place your brand occupies in the mind of your target audience and has become a regular marketing activity and strategy …

Positioning is to do with the place your brand occupies in the mind of your customers!

copyright: 4p business development

When did your last review your Positioning, marketing activity, PR, customer experience and client retention? Positioning is how you differentiate your product or service from that of your competitors and determine which market niche to fill.


“It helps establish your product’s or service’s identity within the eyes of your customers and clients!”


Do you believe in your product? And are you consistent and regular in the way you promote it? Well, unless you are, the odds of succeeding are substantially reduced.

Positioning specifically refers to the place that a brand occupies in the mind of your clients and how it is distinguished from the products or services from your competitors.

In order to position your products, it is essential for you to emphasise the distinguishing features of your brand. Get it right first time as once a brand has achieved a strong position in the market, it can become difficult to reposition it.

The four key areas to consider are:

  • Target Client

    • Influencers

    • Consumers

    • Purchasers

  • Competitive Frame

    • Substitutes

    • Competitors

  • Point of Difference

    • USP – Unique Selling Proposition

  • Value proposition

    • Economical

    • Functional

    • Emotional

Remember, you should not be thinking “I need a great logo” or “I need a new website and will base all my marketing collateral around that”. That’s what’s called ‘away from’ thinking.

No, what I help you to do is change your mindset to ‘towards’ so you think this way instead: “I want more customers” or “I want to increase my profit margin” or even “I want everyone to recognise my company name”.

I’ll ask you those bloody difficult questions which will enable you to make the best decisions about your target clients, the niche you want to position your products and services in, what your USP is and then work out your brand and the ‘things’ that are part of it.


“Would you like to know more?”


If you feel you’d like to talk to me about coaching and mentoring for you and your business and assistance with proper positioning, give me a call on 01280 700405 or click here to ping over an email enquiryand let’s talk.

Until next time …




If you’re looking for a partner to help grow your business, visit to discover how 4P Business Development can help you!

What our clients say

“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”

Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters


Izabela Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath is an inspiring Business Mentor. Selection Matters has been using Kath on ongoing basis for more than two years and she has added real value to our business. She is full of ideas and an expert in her field. I would highly recommend Kath to any business owner who wants to accelerate the growth of their business!”
“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”

Bryony Brice
Betty Brice


Bryony Brice
Betty Brice

“Kath is a very personal Business Mentor who has provided us with valuable information and contacts. Kath is very reliable and always ready to answer any questions we may have for her. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and business development idea’s and has really pushed our company in the right direction. Her enthusiasm and drive is really inspiring and she has played an important role in helping our venture become a reality.”
“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”

Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership


Charles Briggs
CMC Partnership

“Kath is a skilled and experienced Business Coach, Mentor and Adviser who will always go the extra mile to bring value to her clients.”
“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”

Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being


Elaine Whittaker
Marketing Being

“Kath is a superb Business Mentor. She asks perceptive questions that enable her to gain a rapid grasp of the key issues in a business so that she can provide exactly the right resources to support the business in the way that is right for them.”
“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”

Sali Brown
Chelton Brown


Sali Brown
Chelton Brown

“Kath has very good work ethics, she delivers a high standard of coaching and has mentored my staff and I on a specific project with great results.”
“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”

Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd


Dan Kaye
Smith Kennedy Ltd

“Kath is an amazing woman. Kath can get to the root cause of the ‘blockage’ which is mostly in us. If you thought you were good, you will be 10 times better after meeting Kath.”
"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."

Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones


Phil Cockayne & Danny Jones

"Marshes know, like and trust Kath and have benefited immensely from her wisdom, experience, and encouragement. If you're looking for a professional, personal and honest intervention that will help kick your business into its next vital stage of development then arrange to meet with Kath."
“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”

Sue Priest


Sue Priest

“Kath listened to my situation and gave me some surprising suggestions. Although I was well qualified, with an MSc and an MBA, Kath pointed out that my sales and marketing knowledge was practically non-existent. Kath is exactly the kind of Business Mentor I needed – straight talking and not afraid to tell uncomfortable truths. It is precisely this style that produces the brilliant results Kath gets for her clients. In summary, if you want results, not platitudes, go to Kath.”
“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”

Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd


Alan Cooper
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Ltd

“In few words Kath is a highly motivated, professional and results driven mentor with great experience and know how. A must for all business people in need of mentoring/coaching to get the best out of you. I recommend her enthusiasm and warmth to anyone looking to improve their management skills.”
“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”

Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters


Duncan Cooper
Selection Matters

“Kath’s support has meant we have many more business ideas and avenues to explore and her input has been motivational, relevant and very insightful. For anyone looking for some sound business advice, I would recommend Kath very highly indeed.”
“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”

Sophie Breslin


Sophie Breslin

“Kath takes an interest in your business, and is excellent at identifying key areas for development. She’s wonderfully positive, full of enthusiasm and good ideas, and has a huge network of contacts that she shares to create positive outcomes for all involved. I would thoroughly recommend Kath to anyone wanting to develop or grow their business who needs a solid sounding board and progress monitor.”
“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”

Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors


Lesley Long
Women Go Wild Outdoors

“Kath is a dynamic, inventive and challenging business coach able to adapt her style to suit her client’s needs and their preferred way of working. With Kath’s help I was able to push aside limiting beliefs that were holding me back and form a clearer vision of what I want for my business and myself. I now have a game plan in place and am working steadily to put it into place.”
"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."

Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach


Michael C. Cody
My Coaches Coach

"Kath Bonner-Dunham gets results. She has the powerful ability to cut through the distraction, noise, and chaos that beset so many business owners today. Her refreshingly clear communication and straight-to-the-heart approach are a gift to her clients."
“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”

Raine Hilson


Raine Hilson

“Kath is just a person you need to know! She can help you on many levels and she helped me as a Mentor and the results were fabulous!”
“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”

Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting


Kate Mercer
Shine Consulting

“Kath Bonner-Dunham is the ultimate networker – always on the look-out for how she can help the people with whom she comes into contact. Her entire focus is to help others find the solutions which work for them, and she will go well out of her way to find them the right support. People are drawn to Kath’s commitment, energy and integrity, and I am delighted to recommend her and the services she provides.”
“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”

Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker


Rona Cant
Explorer, Author & International Speaker

“Kath worked with me over a period of time as a Coach to help me get my business back on track after I had decided to part company with my Business Partner. Kath was very good at helping me to see the way forward myself and to understand what I had to do and why. Anyone wishing to build a successful business would find Kath’s help and skills a golden opportunity to help them succeed. She is highly recommended.”
“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”

Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes


Jeremy Sacha
Sacha Barnes

“Kath gave us just the encouragement we needed when we started out in business and then continued to be on hand when we needed further advice. Kath understands the needs of small businesses and has a huge network of very useful contacts. She is a firm, no nonsense person and we have great confidence in the excellent service she provides.”
“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”

Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering


Jo Robinson
Indulgence Bespoke Catering

“I cannot recommend Kath highly enough. I hired Kath to work with us as a business mentor last year and in addition has subsequently been working with our management team and staff on a monthly basis. Kath is an excellent mentor, has great rapport with all our staff who have responded to her advice and mentoring in a very productive and positive way. I am sure that we will continue to use her invaluable services for many years to come.”
“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”

Bernard Goodchild


Bernard Goodchild

“Kath is a highly committed and energetic Business Mentor with a strong focus on providing a high quality client service. Armed with a wide ranging support and resources she is well placed to support the needs of SME’s.”

Are you a business owner with a passion and desire to grow your business?

To discuss your specific requirements and to arrange a diagnostic meeting, contact us today.